Run a Lightning Node with infinite liquidity and automated channels.
Download the CLI
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Nodana provides hosting for phoenixd, a specialized Lightning node from Acinq.

Create a Phoenixd Lightning node in seconds and connect from anywhere.
No registration, personal details or credit cards required.
Control nodes using our CLI. No dashboards or passwords on Nodana.
Per minute pricing and top up using your favourite Lightning wallet.
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Command Line Driven|

Create an API key
$ nodana init
-y (auto accept the terms)
Create a node
$ nodana create node
-n <name>
-a <autoLiquidity>
-w <webhook>
Create a node.
Start a node
$ nodana start nodeId
Start a container that has previously been stopped.
Stop a node
$ nodana stop nodeId
Stop a node. Charges still apply for stopped node.
List nodes
$ nodana list
View running and stopped nodes.
Delete a node
$ nodana delete nodeId
Delete a node and prevent further charges.
Create an invoice
$ nodana create invoice
-v <value>
Create a Lightning invoice so you can top up your credit.
Check Status
$ nodana status
Check the credit available for your API key.


How do I get an API key?
You need to call the init command to get an API key.
How do I connect to my node?
When you use the CLI to create a node you will get a connection url in the response. You can also retrieve the connection url at a later date using the list command. You will then need to consult the phoenixd api docs to see which endpoints are available. We do have a NodeJS client library available on GitHub to make it easier to make requests and connect via websockets.
How many nodes can I run at one time?
There is no limit to the number of nodes that you can run.
How much does it cost?
We charge 0.4 sats per min or part thereof (approx $10 per month). Charges start when you create your node and end when you delete it.
When do I get charged?
For nodes that have not been deleted, a charge will be automatically applied at the end of each day. If you choose to delete your node manually then there will be a charge at that point. Please note that once credit runs out, containers created using your API key will be deleted.