
Lightning node with channels and liquidity out of the box

Aug 18, 2024
15k sats / month


Phoenixd is the server equivalent of the popular phoenix wallet for mobile. It is written in Kotlin Multiplatform and runs natively on Linux, MacOS (x86 and ARM), and Windows (WSL).

What is phoenixd?

Phoenixd is a minimal, specialized Lightning node designed for sending and receiving Lightning payments.

Phoenixd uses the same software as the popular Phoenix Wallet, but:

  • runs on a server instead of a mobile device

  • offers an http API instead of a GUI

  • has fully automated liquidity management to facilitate receive-heavy use cases like merchants, crowdfunding, etc.

Phoenixd makes it very easy to develop any application that needs to interact with Lightning, by abstracting away all the complexity, without compromising on self-custody.

Who is it for?

Phoenixd is designed for developers/businesses who want to build on Lightning with minimum hassle and maximum reliability, without compromising on self-custody.

You can get ready in seconds, with absolutely zero configuration, no channel management, no peer management, no liquidity management, no firewall configuration.